Hello Fabulous Fayette! Please click on the following link to read about a second case of COVID for FCS students. https://5il.co/p128. Please contact me directly with any and all comments, questions, and concerns at the school or my cell in the evening (860-8196).
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
Eagle Pride
Hello, Here is next week's Family Communication. Please take a few minutes to read as it has important information for you! Also, to avoid truancy protocols, please complete and return your child's two Remote Learning Attendance Logs on Monday. Here is the link for the communication- https://5il.co/ovy2
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
This one has the correct dates! I was just so excited to be sending a full in-person calendar and I got carried away. https://5il.co/oo91 Thank you for your patience and hopefully and laugh!
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
Here is your Weekly Communication Calendar! Please enjoy your weekend and holiday. We are excited to see the kids on Tuesday! https://5il.co/oo90
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
Good Morning Everyone! Happy First Remote Learning day, with your teacher's involvement during the day that is! Please be mindful of the schedule that was sent home and log on when expected.. Today is Monday, so work on your Guidance work from 1:30-2:30. Please email tara_morin@maranacook.com with any questions. Thank you parents and guardians for your continued focused help with your child's education! You All Rock!
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
For those of you who have not received your child's materials the bus is leaving the school at 9:00 am. When they exit the school, they will be turning right. Half of the school was delivered yesterday afternoon so it will not be as long as a wait like before. The bus will honk as they approach your house. Thank you for stepping outside to met Jim with you child's materials. Be Well and Be Safe!
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
Please listen to the voice message or click on this link to read it. https://5il.co/oc4q for an important update. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue to navigate the effects of COVID-19. Be well, Be safe!
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
Please listen carefully to the message. We have a positive COVID case of a student who was in the building for the last two days. Tara Morin 860-8196 Marcie Spaulding 293-9338
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
This notice affects only Fayette students that ride Jess's bus. There will be no morning transportation Thursday, January 7th. Maranacook Middle School and High School students should be dropped off between 8 and 8:30 a.m. Fayette Central School students should be dropped off between 8:25 and 9 a.m. The afternoon bus run will take place as normal. Thank you for your understanding! THIS IS ONLY FOR JESS'S BUS ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 7TH.
over 3 years ago, Melody Jenkins
I feel it is imperative to be open and honest with our Fayette community especially when it comes to COVID 19. This letter is to inform you that we have a FCS staff person that is positive for COVID 19.. This staff person was exposed on Christmas therefore has not had close contact with any students and staff during the infectious period. This individual is following CDC guidelines and will only return to school after those guidelines have been met. At this time there is nothing that we as a school community need to do. If we receive further updates from the Maine CDC we will share them with you. As always please monitor yourself/your children for any and all illness signs and symptoms. Call a health care provider if symptoms start. It is important that you call a health care facility before you show up in person. Stay home if you are sick. Thank you so very much on helping us maintain a safe and healthy school community.
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
Happy New Year! Yeah 2021!!! Here is the Family Communication for the coming week. I can't wait to see the kids and staff! https://5il.co/o8yl
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
Students at Fayette Central School will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. today, December 17th.
over 3 years ago, Melody Jenkins
Dear Fayette Central School Community, Winter is upon us and we have 4 different varying forecasts ( amounts, timing, etc.) for tomorrow. As usual I will be up early looking at the latest forecast, talking with the town, as well as area Superintendents. If we have a snow day, there will be no school for everyone. That means no in-person or remote, just a regular old snow day. The one thing that maybe hasn't changed this year. As we get later into the winter and if we feel we have used too many we would re-evaluate and possibly offer remote days instead. At this point in time a snow day is just like any snow day in the past. A robocall will go out tomorrow morning if school is cancelled.
over 3 years ago, Tara Morin
FCS Eagle
Please be aware the Sandy River Road is now open. The bus run is back to normal. Thank you for your patience.
over 3 years ago, Melody Jenkins
Sandy River Rd. is closed until further notice. The morning Fayette bus run will go back to the times at the beginning of the school year.
over 3 years ago, Melody Jenkins
almost 4 years ago, Melody Jenkins
Please visit the "News" section of the website to see important updates to the morning bus schedules. Sandy River Rd. is now open and service will resume for those students beginning Tuesday, October 13th.
almost 4 years ago, Melody Jenkins
Please be aware that the phone system is down at school. Please email Tara or Melody if you need assistance. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Melody Jenkins
Fayette Central School Families - Please see Supt. Morin's letter on the website for new information about returning to school. See you soon!
almost 4 years ago, Melody Jenkins
Attention, there has been a school calendar change! The first day of school for Fayette Central School students is Tuesday, September 8, 2020. FCS PreK students will start on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. FCS staff will report on August 24. 2020 and spend the next 10 days of the week planning and preparing for 2020-2021 learning models.
almost 4 years ago, Tara Morin
FCS Eagle