Letter to Fayette Families from Supt. Morin


Dear Parents,

Welcome back to FCS!  I am writing to inform you of some new guidelines that we will review in this letter to implement when returning to school next week. Hopefully this will answer any questions or concerns you may have. I ask that you read this document in its entirety so that there is an understanding of what we need to do to prevent illness from spreading through our school. The procedures in place are based on the CDC Guidelines and the Dept. of Education in an effort to provide the safest possible return to school for the children of the Fayette Community. This procedure is based on the Honor System and as such, we are depending on you to be an integral part of this extremely important process.

At home daily screening:

1.     Students, parents/caregivers, must conduct self-checks for symptoms prior to their child boarding the bus or exiting the vehicle each day.

2.     At home screening for symptoms:

l   Temperature: Due to Covid-19 we are changing our temperature policy. We are now requiring you to keep your child home if they have a fever of 99.9. DO NOT give your child Tylenol in the morning and then send them to school. 

l   Headache                                                                           l   Sore throat

l   Cough                                                                                 l   New Loss of taste or smell           

l   Feeling unwell                                                                    l   Nausea

l   Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing,                      l   Vomiting

l   Fever-like symptoms such as body aches, chills                l   Diarrhea

and/or sweating,

l   Runny nose/congestion

Please call the main office at 685-4770 and inform us that your child will not be in school due to symptoms. If someone in your household has symptoms, please keep your child/children home until a negative Covid-19 test is received.

Important Things to Know!

·      If your child develops a fever of 99.9 during the school day, we will be sending your child home.  Please have a plan in place at the start of school, for picking your child up. If we need to send your child home due to symptoms, you are required to come and pick them up within 1 hour of being called. If you are unable to pick your child up, please have an emergency person listed that will be able to pick up your child within 1 hour. If you think you will be unable to pick up your child or have someone pick up your child within 1 hour, please call the school today to develop a plan should this situation arise.

·      If your child develops signs or symptoms of Covid-19 throughout the school day, he/she will be brought to our isolation room required by the Maine Department of Education and CDC. They will not be left alone. A faculty member wearing PPE will be in the room with your child while waiting for you to come and get them. If you are called to pick up your child, please come to the door near the Pre-K room. You will be able to sign your child out from there. We would require a negative Covid-19 test result before your child can return to school.

·      If a child develops symptoms during the school day, his/her area will be cleaned and sanitized. Any area that the student has been in will be cleaned and sanitized as well.

·      If a child with symptoms is sent home his/ her siblings will be sent home as well. The sibling’s area(s) will also be cleaned and sanitized.

·      If a child has a positive result a letter will go home to all families notifying them of a positive case in our school. No names will be used and HIPPA rules will be followed. Absolute confidentiality will be maintained.

·      If we have a positive test result in our school, we will notify the CDC and follow their recommendations at that time.

·      Please take the time to make sure your child’s immunizations are up to date. This is especially important during a pandemic to keep other infectious diseases out of the school as much as possible.

A typical day at Fayette Central School will look something like this…


Arrival: School start time is 8:25 a.m. School doors will not be open until then. Mrs. Morin or her designee will be at the front door greeting children who are being walked to the door by parents/caregivers. Everyone will be required to wear a mask. Mrs. Morin will be checking temps, directing to use of hand sanitizer and offered a mask if the student does not have one. The two bus drivers will park the buses, turn the buses off and dismiss students by each seat individually. Dropped off or bus students will line up on the sidewalk which is marked with 6 foot stopping spots. If a bus is present, parents are to park and wait for the bus to leave. Parents will not be permitted to come into the building so goodbyes will take place before students enter the building. Parents are not to provide classroom shared food items.

Parking: All parents/caregivers dropping or picking up their child should park in the assigned parking area to the left of the school building as you approach. Please take note of the signage. Never park in front of the school unless directed to do so. THANK YOU!

Breakfast/Lunch: There will be a hall monitor to direct students being dismissed from classrooms to the gym to eat breakfast. Tables are set up for 6 ft. distancing. Students will wait in line at 6 ft. intervals to wash hands and repeat the breakfast process and will have assigned seats. They will also have breakaway lanyards for their masks to make it easier for them to keep track of them while eating and playing at recess.

Recess: Recess will have three duty monitors and three different activities where children are divided into three groups of up to 11 students; a playground equipment group, a kickball group (in the field), and a baseball group (at the baseball diamond), for example.

Masks: It is a requirement that all staff, students, and permitted visitors (i.e., vendors) who attend in-person education will wear a face mask 100% of the time. Staff will monitor students with facemasks and remind everyone that wearing a mask is to keep everyone safe. Please make sure your student’s mask:

·      fits snugly, but comfortably against the side of the face,

·      completely covers the nose and mouth,

·      includes multiple layers of fabric,

·      is secure with ties or ear loops,

·      allows for breathing without restriction,

·      can be laundered and machine dried without damage or changes to shape.

FCS Staff will make every attempt to provide “mask breaks” during the day. Parents are encouraged to provide a mask from home with an extra in case it becomes soiled. Please make sure masks are washed daily. If a student forgets their mask, they will be provided with a disposable mask either as they get on the bus or at the school entrance door. All staff and students will be permitted to choose a face shield, WITH MEDICAL DOCMUMENTATION, and it follows the requirement of extending below the chin and back to the ears as an alternative to mask wearing. If a face shield is used as an alternative to mask wearing, they must maintain a 6 ft. distance at all times.

Hand washing: Our school nurse will provide instruction to students on proper hand washing techniques on the first day of school. Here are some great videos to watch with your child to help them and you prepare to return to school:

·      5 Tips Kids Need to Know about Covid 19:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4i4avKYOrw

·      Wearing a Mask:  https://www.youtube.come/watch?v=1galKLpSxOag

·      Wash Your Hands Song:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDHJW4r3elE

·      The Epic Hand Washing Parody:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gfOHEaHdjo

Upon entering the school, all students and staff must wash hands or use sanitizing gel. Other times that require hand washing or sanitizing gel are:

·      Before and after eating,

·      Before and after putting on or taking off a mask,

·      After using the restroom,

·      Before and after use of playground and shared equipment, and,

·      Upon entering and exiting a school bus,

·      Upon entering the classroom.

Buses and all classrooms have hand sanitizer to be used under staff supervision.

Water for Drinking: Parents are asked to provide your child with their own personal water bottle. The water fountains will not be available. A water bottle filling station is being installed. Please label your child’s bottle!

Visitors: Unscheduled visitors will not be permitted at this time. You may call the school and leave a message or email your child’s teacher at any time. If you need to contact your child’s teacher immediately, please call the office at 685-4770.

Please know that we are working diligently to prepare FCS for the best learning experience possible during this very difficult time. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact me at the school at 685-4770 or tara_morin@maranacook.com.

Thank You,

Tara Morin, Principal/Supt. of Schools

Marcie Spaulding BSN, RN

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I _________________________________________ have read the Fayette Central School’s policy on symptom checks and Covid-19 policies. I understand what I have read and will follow these guidelines.

Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _____________